Wednesday 12 April 2017

Why I chose an apprenticeship

Choosing an apprenticeship was an easy decision when one was being offered so close to where I live and in a role that interested me. But working full-time can be very different to the lifestyles my friends lead, who are still in sixth form or college full- time.

I always enjoyed the social aspect of school; getting to see my friends every day and experiencing every awkward teenage second with them. I loved the lessons I chose for my two GCSE years, especially Psychology and Drama which I would’ve taken at A-Level if I had taken that route.

The things that I didn’t like at school were the reasons I decided that further education whilst in employment would be a better choice for me. The reasons all boiled down to wanting to think more independently and do something for myself. The first step for this was applying for the job at Two Rivers Housing which involved a personal statement, CV and then a formal interview process.

In my school year group I was one of two pupils that left formal education to become an apprentice.

I think another reason which made me want to be out of school was the fact that I have always been around people who are slightly older than me and had picked up the same desire to try new things. Things like travelling, earning money and having more independence are all suddenly more attainable if you are in an apprenticeship.

Changing times:
I am coming to the end of my apprenticeship which means finding a new job. This can be a worrying time but I am thinking positively about the new opportunities waiting for me. I would like to stay in a Communications type role.

The skills I have gained at Two Rivers will help me bulk out my CV and make sure I get a new job which is just as fulfilling. I will be getting support for my manager and HR to help me too, if I need it.

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